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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

His Blood Cleansed Me

His Blood Cleansed Me

Nancy Mathews
I was raised in a Christian home.  I went to church, sang in the choir, and tried to be a good person.  I knew of Jesus but I did not have a personal relationship with Him.  By that I mean He and I didn’t talk to each other.  I would pray and ask for things and that was the extent of our conversation.

It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s that I realized something was missing in my life.  I was watching a T.V. program and the pastor asked “If you died today, do you know where you would go?”  I didn’t know the answer.  So I prayed the sinner’s prayer and at that exact moment I felt brand new, like a heavy weight had been lifted off of me.  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.  I knew the answer to the question – if I died I would go to Heaven. 
I’m in my sixties now, and although I am truly blessed, I can’t tell you that my life has been perfect.  There have been good times and bad, but through it all Jesus has never left my side.  During the rough times, when I didn’t think I could make it, Jesus lifted me up and carried me.  I remember Him holding me in his arms, while I wept uncontrollably, when my husband and my daughter died.  The Holy Spirit comforted me during those dark days.  He reminded me that I would be reunited with them one day.  You see, now our conversations are two way.  We talk and listen to each other.  It’s a rewarding and wonderful life knowing that my Father in Heaven loves me and wants good things for me, but it’s not just me, He wants that for you too.
My testimony of how I came to Christ may, to some, seem boring and dull.  It’s anything but that.  My Lord and Savior Jesus shed His blood, bore stripes on His back, died on a cross and rose again for me.  He bought me, He paid for my sins, and I belong to Him.  When the Father looks at me, He sees me through His son’s blood, washed clean, righteous and redeemed. That’s the most exciting, wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.
The Word tells us “For God so greatly loved [and dearly prized] the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten [unique] Son, so that whoever believes in [trusts in, clings to, relies on] Him shall not perish [come to destruction, be lost] but have eternal [everlasting] life”.   John 3:16 (AMP)
My prayer for all people is to come to the realization that they need a savior and give their lives wholly and completely to JESUS.
Your Sister in Christ,


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