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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Was...But Still

I was a liar, I was a thief, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
I was conniving, I was deceiving, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
I disrespected my parents and disgraced my family, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
I was an Adulterer and broke the vows of my marriage, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
I sold drugs, I knew no love, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
I toted guns, some things I should not have done, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
My child was born that I left alone, but still,
Jesus Saves People Like Me.
Above all, God called and I answered, because,
Jesus Saves People Like Me!
Jamel Brown ©2015
To all who read this, I pray you understand that no matter what you’ve done, Jesus can and will save you, if you let Him. No matter what you look like, where you are or what other people may say or judge you by, because still,
Jesus Saves People Like You and Me 2!

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